You are the Secretary of the Journalism Club in your school.  The chairperson has asked you to send out a notice of the   second meeting to review the previous year’s club activities.  During the meeting, you will need to discuss the Finances, Club Projects, the annual magazine and club membership.                                                       ( 20 marks)

  1. Write the notice of this meeting which you would send to the members of the Journalism

            b)  Write the Agenda that you would attach to the notice.

2.         CLOZE TEST ( 10 MARKS)

In the world today some people are (1) ______________ of starvation while others are dying of disease brought (2) _____________by overeating.  An understanding of nutrition is, therefore, important for ( 3 ) _____________ who wants to see changes for the

           ( 4) _____________Today, as never before, people are increasingly aware of the

(5) _____________that the world’s food resources are limited.  In fact, the problems of human welfare are (7) _____________far greater than economic or political problems.  It is not only the (8) _____________ of food available in a given place that is important but also the quality of food.  Indeed, the (9) _____________ faced by nutritionists have never been greater (10) _____________they are today and the science of nutrition is a subject everyone should study.

(Adapted from success in Nutrition by Magnus Puke)

3.         ORAL SKILS ( 30 MARKS)

a)         How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

                        i)          Classify the genre above.                                                                 ( 1 mark)


                        ii)         Identify any two features of style prominent in the genre above ( 4 marks)


b)         For each of the following words provide another two in which the letter(s) in bold is pronounced the same way.                                                                            ( 4 marks)

            i)          Monkey                       _____________________________

            ii)         Chasm                         _____________________________

            iii)        During                         _____________________________

            iv)        Especially                    ____________________________

                                                            (any 2 words ½ = 1 x 4 = 4 marks)

  • The school choir is rehearsing a choral verse for the Music festival.  The choir is making a presentation for the rest of the school so as to get some feedback. Give any three things that the listeners need to pay attention to and explain why.

( 6 marks)


d)         You have been short – listed to attend an interview in a mult- national company for the job of company accountant.  Outline how you would conduct yourself during the interview.                                                                                                    ( 5 marks)


            e)         State whether we have a falling or rising intonation in the following sentences.

         ( 4 marks)

  1. How did she travel to Dubai? ___________________________________
  2. I have been working very hard for the coming examination. ___________
  3. Have you ever been to moon? _________________________________
  4. What a horrible scene! ______________________________________
  5. Write another word with similar pronunciation as these:                                     ( 6 mks)
  6. Lean –
  7. Pale –
  8. Jibe –
  9. Bawl –
  10. Root –
  11. Dual –

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