When preparing for an oral literature research, one needs to note the following:-
- Identify the genre of interest.
- Identify the problem viable for study in the given genre and hence establish the purpose of the study and its justification.
- State the objectives i.e. define the scope within which the research will operate in terms of time and season.
- Read what other people have written about the target study to avoid duplicating of ideas.
- Identify the area of study i.e. the community in terms of location or sub-location.
- Identify the methods of collection and the materials needed in that particular method e.g. tapes, books, pens e.t.c.
- Know the data analysis methods in advance i.e. qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
- Identify the theoretical grounding of the study e.g. sociological approach i.e. how people view literature and feminist approach i.e. how the society view women.
- Draw a budget of all the expenses he/she is likely to incur and may be carrying an incentive for the resource people.
- Get permission from the members of the place he/she is going to do research.
- Make a pre-visit to the area of study. This is an advance visit to the target area. At this juncture the researcher should:-
- Seek permission from relevant authorities.
- Identify a research assistant especially if the place is outside their own community.
- Study the lace’s topography, transport network, the people’s nature and physical facilities available.
A pre-visit will help the researcher to adjust
himself/herself accordingly during the actual research. For
example if there are no shops, he/she can carry packed lunch
or if the locality is cold and muddy, he will carry over
clothes and gum boots e.t.c.