TYPES OF POETS preparing to meet an audience. He can perform to anybody and can praise anybody for material gain. Performs religious poetry
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SONG AND POETRY Neither all poems are songs nor the vice versa is true. Songs are usually in verse but not all verses can be poetry as others are devoid of poetic features. On the other hand, singing is only one way of delivering poems. Poems can also be recited or chanted.
ORAL POETRY WRITTEN POETRY Delivered by word of mouth Flexible Spontaneous in composition and delivery Involve many people in composition and delivery Involve dramatization and use of accoutrements Read FixedTake a process in composition and Delivery is normally afterwards More often than not an individual affairDoes not involve this
FUNCTIONS OF TONGUE TWISTERS. The repetition of sound creates a kind of delightful and music party because the listener anticipates the performer to stumble over a sound and then end up with a distorted or embracing utterance.Tongue twisters are used test the performer’s fluency and ability to articulate sound. This forms part
WHO PERFORMS TONGUE TWISTERS? Nandwa and Bukenya associated tongue twisters with the young members of the society who provided both the performance and the audience. However, tongue twisters were and are still said by both the young and the old members of the society who have mastered the language well. PERFORMANCE. Tongue twisters
CHARACTERISTICS OF TONGUE TWISTERS Example. Kala kaka kaku kaka kokie kwakwa kala kaka kakwa kaka ke kwaku (kamba) That female kaka of yours came to my place when that female kaka of mine was at your place. Example. Wale wale watu wa liwali wala wali wa liwali (Swahili) Those very people of the headman are
Tongue twisters, like riddles, proverbs and wise sayings, fall under the category of short forms of oral literature. According to The Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary, a tongue twister is a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly and correctly. It hinges mainly on both alliteration and assonance. Nandwa and Bukenya
FUNCTIONS OF RIDDLES. N/B: Riddling accords one a chance to abuse and be abused without taking offence. Thus, we can get egocentric riddles such as:- Challenge: nikanini lakini mwenyu ndakasinda kiwi. (Kamba) A small married woman who cooks better than your mother. Response: Nzuki. Honeybee
STAGES INVOLVED IN PERFORMANCE OF RIDDLES. There are three stages involved in the performance of riddles:- Stage one It is basically the opening formula whereby;- Stage two. This stage is the main body of the riddle whereby:- Stage three N/B: This stage only occurs if the answer given in stage two is wrong.