• Mood is referred to as the atmosphere , as it creates an emotional situation that surrounds the readers. Mood is developed in a literary piece through various methods. It can be developed through setting, theme, tone and diction.

Common Mood Words

Agreeable Angry Nostalgic Sad Amusing Defiant Diffident Festive Indifferent Sorrowful  Melancholic Excited Remorseful Solemn Serene Violent Pleasing. Bitter with. Looking at the happy past. Not happy. Making one laugh. Opposing openly. Lacking self-confidence.  Joyous Not having interest in. Sad because sth bad has happened. Sad Happy. Showing regret/repentance. Not happy/not smiling. Calm/peaceful Use force/fighting.

Poem with Sad Mood

Waiting For My Dad

By Amy

I sit alone in the darkness
Waiting for him to come back to me.
Can he hear my cries?
Can he feel my tears?
Can he sense my breaking heart?
God only knows such a fact.
How can this be that he can’t see me?
Is it because I’m sitting alone in the darkness?
I just walk past everyone as if I were invisible.
Can he see me now?
Can he see the pain he’s caused me?
Or does he look past it?
I think I should move on,
But something tells me to wait.
It’s my heart.
I’ll give him one more chance
He needs to prove his love to me.
As I return to sit alone in the darkness…

Melancholic Mood Poem

On longer evenings,
Light, chill and yellow,
Bathes the serene
Foreheads of houses.
A thrush sings,
In the deep bare garden,
Its fresh-peeled voice
Astonishing the brickwork.
It will be spring soon,
It will be spring soon —
And I, whose childhood
Is a forgotten boredom,
Feel like a child
Who comes on a scene
Of adult reconciling,
And can understand nothing
But the unusual laughter,
And starts to be happy.

“The Trees.”

The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.

Is it that they are born again
And we grow old? No, they die too,
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.

Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In fullgrown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.

Happy Mood Poem

So fine a day it is today
To the world I send out my hope and care
Happy and joyful I am so to all I must say
That I will remember you all in my prayer.

I woke up with a smile upon my face
After knowing again that I was still alive
And I am not ill through GOD and his grace
Another year and night I did survive.

The morning has begun and I am awake
And my wallet is full of money
I owe no bills my finances I will not break
So I will go out while it is nice and sunny.

I will greet all comers with a wave or a hello
As I am walking down the street
I am living for the day and not for long ago
And no strangers today will I meet.

I will feed the birds and I will pet the dogs
If I decide to walk to the park
And I will not be a nuisance to any who jogs
My day is a day of happiness as I do embark.

Today is such a beautiful day
So I decided to start it off with a pleasant attitude
I wished today was a holiday
Since I woke up in a joyful and happy mood.

Randy L. McClave

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