Fathers of Nations was written by Paul B. Vitta and printed in 2013 by Oxford University Press East Africa. The highlight of this book is a summit attended at the Gambia by African Heads of State. Its subject is the awakening of Africans to come out from their status quo. Here is the synopsis of Fathers of Nations, theme analysis, and characters.


Here are some of the main characters in the book. Karanja Kimani: Kimani is a Kenyan, 60 years old is a professor at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Nairobi. Comrade Ngobile Melusi: Ngobile is from Zimbabwe and is aged 70 years old. Pastor Chineke Chiamaka: He is a male Nigerian clergyman based at the Lagos branch of the Church Inside Africa. Dr. Abiola Afolabi: He is a Nigerian academician and has an American wife. Engineer Seif Tahir: He is a Libyan formerly employed by Tripoli’s Ministry of Defense.


Fathers of Nations is a satirical novel, and it is set in contemporary Africa. It is a story that brings to the readers all that has gone wrong in Africa, but in a humorous way. The continent is depicted as a valuable place that lacks a sense of direction. The majority of the leaders have made their people voices, rendering them silent as these leaders continuously destroy their livelihoods.

The plot revolves around the lives of four men from different parts of Africa. Amid their various misfortunes, the men get together to try and make a change. They want African heads of state to ratify a document that could transform the continent’s economic fortunes. These four men have suffered under unwieldy political systems in their respective countries. Each bears a grudge against the system and has a reason for wanting it to change. They represent the values of humanity, empathy, and vulnerability.

Prof Karanja Kimani has lost his wife to a former university colleague and now turned politician. His only daughter dies in a fatal accident in Nairobi.

Pastor Chineke, on his part, is a fierce man. His insistence on government accountability earns him days in jail. He is also prohibited from preaching.

Dr. Abiola Afolabi is ditched by his American wife. He advises African heads of state but detests offering theoretical solutions.

The last character, Ngobile Melusi, is projected as a failed politician. He finds himself on the wrong side of the political divide after independence. He goes through affliction for being Ndebele when the Shona president undertook to suppress his community.

Analysis of the themes in Fathers of Nations The symbolism in this book is enough to make you sit back and marvel at how Africans have accepted the status quo. It’s an enjoyable read, and above all, it speaks to the frustrations we still experience in Africa under corrupt leadership.


.Leadership crisis Poor leadership is one of the main themes in the novel. African leaders are portrayed as people who cannot give a sense of direction to their countries. Instead, they are shown as flawed human beings who cannot rise to the challenges of their times. They are people experimenting with various ideological positions originating from different places. In the book, two groups develop two development agendas referred to as Path Alpha and Way Omega. The book goes ahead to portray how dysfunctional most African countries are. They are readily buy anything from anywhere. Unfortunately, in their hopelessness, the citizens continue to entertain a leadership that is blind to their plights.

Poverty The novel also paints a devastating picture of people on a knifes’ edge of daily survival. International imperialistic networks of control have captured and imprisoned the continent. African countries are sucked into meaningless loans with international financial institutions. . “I… These development loans, though luring, have unrealistic demands. As a result, the continent continues to sink into the abyss of poverty. Corruption Paul B Vitta also shares that corruption is endemic in Africa. The vice has disastrous effects on the continent’s economies. It also affects the cohesion of communities and social contracts, which are vital pillars of building nations. Wars and organised criminal networks distract the developments of some countries. The networks control all the political powers and economic opportunities. Betrayal The image readers also get of African leaders is that of a coalition of confused and manipulated people. They have suppressed the voices of the civilians, who are mere spectators as leaders destroy their sources of livelihood. The book is a bold portrayal of post-colonial African countries. It is a continent where the most learned are impoverished because society doesn’t value knowledge. Instead, it cherishes ignorance


About Paul B Vitta Who is Paul B Vitta? He is the author of Fathers of Nations. Vitta was born in Tanzania and received his Ph.D. in physics from Emory University of Dar es Salaam. He worked briefly for the African Regional Center for Technology in Senegal. Later, he moved to the International Development Research Center in Canada. He also served as a Director of UNESCO’S Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa before retiring. Fathers of Nations summary and analysis above will undoubtedly give you a reason to read the book. As an African living in the continent, you will notice that the book captures everything you have seen. The book reminds you that some of the plights are of your own making because of the kind of leaders you elect.

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