At this stage, the researcher is already in the field ready and in the process of collecting the desired data. It involves moving from one resource person to another, collecting information through the different methods and recording the same.
- Being time conscious— the researcher should keep time especially as per his appointments with the resource people. Though sometimes he/she may not control, the researcher should try as much as possible to follow his/her schedule.
- Being polite, humble and patient— the researcher should always keep in mind that he is the slave and his resource people his masters. Therefore, he must not appear arrogant or rude. Instead he should be very humble, requestive and be able to tolerate straying resources. However being tolerant does not mean failing to guide your resource people as per his schedule and objectives.
- Adhere to the culture of the people— many communities hold to their cultures dearly. Contravening such may lead to him not being given the right information for example; among the Kalenjin, it is an elder who greets a junior. In such a situation, the researcher should try to hold to that. Or among the Maasai their milk is mixed with blood. Should the researcher be offered such he should try to accept.
- Dressing and behaving decently. The youngsters should be advised to dress as per the expectations of the resource people. If one is researching in a town, the girls may be allowed to put on long trousers, but this cannot be the case in rural areas. The young people are also known to walk ‘strangely’ and such should be avoided.
- Participating where necessary. In some situations when researchers take a passive role, they make the resource people to be uneasy and therefore to make them feel free for the sake of creating rapport, the researcher should be active.
- Avoiding conspicuous recording e.g. exposing machinery as this will distract the attention of the respondents and also make them uneasy or artificial when we require the natural action.
- In the event of writing, note down whatever you are being told as soon as possible to avoid forgetting.
- Keep time.