- With reference to the Old Testament prophesies about the Messiah, outline the Jewish expectation concerning the Messiah (7mks)
- State the similarities in the announcement of the birth of John the Baptized and Jesus Christ (6mks)
- Identify six qualities shown by Jesus when he accompanied his parents to the Temple at the age of the twelve (7mks)
- Describe the healing of the Garasene demoniac (Luke 8:26-39) (7kms)
- Explain the importance of the transfigurationof Jesus to Christians (8mks)
- What lessons would Christians learn from transfiguration of Jesus (5mks)
- With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teachings of Jesus on the proper use of wealth. (Luke 16 :19-31) (7mks)
- Give six signs of the end times as taught by Jesus in Luke 21:5-38 (6mks)
- Give seven ways in which Christians are preparing themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christi (7mks)
- Outline Saint Paul’s teachings on love (1 Corinthians 13) (8mks)
- Give five examples of relationship based on false love in Kenya today (5mks)
- Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in the church today (7mks)
- Outline six roles of a professional code in a work place. (6mks)
- State seven similarities in the traditional African Communities and Christian community view on work (7mks)
- Give seven reasons why Christians condemn idleness in the society (7mks)
- Outline the Traditional Africa Communities concept of wealth (6mks)
- Give reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today (8mks)
- Explain six ways through which the church eradicates poverty in Kenya (6mks)