1a)  Outline six similarities in the Biblical stories of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 (6mks)

  1. In both God is the sole creator.
  2. In both human beings are given authority/have authority over God’s creation.
  3. In both accounts human beings are special beings/share in God’s image.
  4. In bot there is a sense of order.
  5. In both stories, all created things depend on God for sustenance/He is the provider.
  6. In both accounts God is self-existent/existed before creation.
  7. In both God created male and female/human sexuality.                                                                                                                   6X1=6

b With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, state four effects of sin on Adam and Eve (8mks)

  1. They started dying yet they were to live forever.
  2. They became afraid of God/they hid when God called them.
  3. They lost their authority over the other creation/were misled by the serpent.
  4. Man was to rule over the woman/inequality between man and woman set in.
  5. They were to be in pain while giving birth.
  6. They developed enmity between human beings and the serpent.
  7. They were to toil/sweat in order to get their food.
  8. They become embarrassed because of their nakedness.
  9. They were expelled out of the Garden of Eden/separated with God.
  10. They developed mistrust between man and woman.


 c) Identify six causes of evil in Kenya today  (7mks)

  1. Poverty/affluence.
  2. Corruption/greed/selfishness
  3. Disobedience/rebellion.
  4. Inability for forgiving one another.
  5. Influence  from media/foreign culture/modern technology 
  6. Wrong choices/lack of vision/peer pressure.
  7. Unemployment.
  8. Permissiveness.
  9. Influence of drug and substance abuse.
  10. Poor role models.
  11. lack of guidance and counseling


2a) State the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover Exodus 12:1-32

  1. Every man had to choose a lamb/goat for the family.
  2. The chosen animal was slaughtered.
  3. Blood was put on the time door posts of the house.
  4. The slaughtered animal was tobe roasted/eaten whole.
  5. The Israelites ate the unleavened bread/bitter herbs, roast meal.
  6. They ate while fully dressed for the journey/ in a hurry.
  7. They stayed indoors till the morning.
  8. They burnt all the left ones of the meal.
  9. They collected jewelry from Egyptians


b) What lessons would Christians learn from the incident when the Israelites worshiped the golden calf while at Mount Sinai (7mks)

  1. Christians learn that they should worship God alone.
  2. Christians should live righteous lives.
  3. Christians should not represent God in any kind of image/avoid any form of idolatry.
  4. Christians should intercede for others.
  5. Christians should be form in decision making/not to be swayed/ misled easily/avoid peer pressure.
  6. Christians should have faith/trust God.
  7. Christians should repent their sins/ask forgiveness/forgive others.
  8. Christians should respect those in authority/appointed by God.
  9. Christians should be patient/exercise self-control.
  10.  Christians should obey God’s instructions/teachings.
  11.  Christians should exercise self-control /avoid anger.
  12. Christians should condemn devil.
  13. Christians should expect punishment for their sins


c) List six forms of worship that were practiced by the Israelites in the wilderness which are found in Christian worship today. (6mks)

  1. Obeying the Ten Commandments.
  2. Singing/dancing in church.
  3. Praying to God.
  4. Celebrations of festivals/feast.
  5. The observance of the Sabbath.
  6. Giving offerings/tithes /first fruits.
  7. Building places of worship/dedication/counseling.
  8. Burning of incense.


3a) State the characteristics of the Canaanite Religion (7mks)

  1. It was based on nature/cosmic/cyclic religion.
  2. It was polytheistic/comprised of man gods/ goddesses.
  3. Symbolic/idols/images were made to represent each god/goddess.
  4. Temple worship was part of the worship of gods/goddess/cultic prostitution.
  5. Both human and animal sacrifices were made to the gods/goddess.
  6. Festivals and feasts were celebrated in hour of the gods/goddess.
  7. Rituals were performed to ensure continued fertility and wellbeing of the community.
  8. There were prophets and prophetess for each god and goddess.
  9. Each god and goddess played a special rule in the community.
  10. There was a chief god and goddess/Baal and Asherah.
  11. There were temple/shrines/high places of worship.


b) Explain the circumstances that led to the rapid spread of Idolatry in Israel at the time of Prophet Elijah. (8mks)

  1. Transition from pastoral life to agricultural life made them resort to Canaanite gods for fertility. 
  2. Influence between the Israelite and other people especially Kings of Israeli who brought in Idol worship.
  3. When the Kingdom of Israel split into Israel and Judah, Jeroboam established two new places of worship, Bethel and Dan and set up two golden bull calves for the people of another Kingdom to worship. 
  4. All the other Kings who followed the Jeroboam in to Northern Kingdom of Israel continued to worship idols.
  5. When the Israelites were defeated in war by other nations, they fell that Yahweh had forsaken them. They had to seek consultation from the Canaanite gods.
  6. The Israelites had forsaken the covenant that they had made with Yahweh at Mount Sinai.
  7. When they settled in Canaan Syncretism developed.
  8. When the Israelites took over Canaan they found elaborate Temples which were built for the Canaanite gods and instead of destroying them they continued to use them in the worship of Yahweh.
  9. In order to strengthen political alliance with their neighbour, some Kings of Israel married foreign wives.
  10. The Israel were attracted to the visible gods of Canaan or opposed to Yahweh who was invisible.  


c) What is the relevant of Prophet Elijah prophetic mission of Christians today (5mks)

  1. Christians should stand in their faith in God/condemn false religion as Elijah did.
  2. Christians have to condemn in the strongest terms possible through prayer/fasting knowing that God is faithful and keeps his promises.
  3.  Christians should be ready to suffer/meet opposition/rejection in their fight against injustice in the society.
  4. Christians to call sinners to repentance/there is joy in heaven when a sinner repents.
  5. Christians to remain firm in their faith in Jesus even in the midst of temptation/Christians to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit when they face trials/challenges in life.
  6. Modern political/church teachers should learn to respect God for them to be successful in their mission.
  7. It is in Jesus transfiguration that Jesus fulfilled the teachings of the prophets/ law.
  8. Christians to engage life skills to the maximum to make appropriate/informed decisions.   


4a) Describe the call of Amos to become a prophet of God (6mks)

  1. Amos was a farmer tending sycamore tree/shepherded.
  2. He became from a village called Tekoa in Judah.
  3. He became a prophet during the reign of King Uzziah and Jeroboam II.
  4. God called him in a vision.
  5. He felt a strong compulsion to prophesy.
  6. He responded to God’s call in faith/obedience.


b) Outline teachings of prophet Amos on social Justice and responsibility (8mks)

  1. The righteous could be sold for silver and the needy for pair of shoes.
  2. The rich women led luxurious lives and were unkind to the poor.
  3. The rich people took an excess share of the harvest from the farmer
  4. The ruler lives luxurious lives in good houses as the poor suffered, thus God would send them into exile.
  5. The rulers were arrogant, trusted in material things, drunk wine when the poor had nothing to eat.
  6. The judges were corrupt and took bribes from the rich.
  7. The wealthy merchants cheated the poor by using false scales/selling refuse. 
  8. The Israelites indulged wine drinking and forced even those not supposed to drink.
  9. Those who spoke the truth were hated.
  10. Prophet Amos advised people to seek good and avoid evil.
  11. He advised against the use of garments taken in pledge.
  12. Israelites indulged in sexual immorality that profaned the name of the Lord.
  13. Amos advised against robbery with violence.  


c) How is the church promoting social justice in Kenya today (6mks)

  1. Providing education to the public on social justice/civic education.
  2. By respecting and following the law of country as played down by the government.  
  3. By providing shelter to the needy.
  4. It preaches on social justice.
  5. The church prays for social justice in the country.
  6. The church gives food/clothes to the affected.
  7. It advisers the government on the need for the practice of social justice/peaceful demonstrations/processions.
  8. The church condemns social injustice in the community.


5a) Explain the different occasions when Nehemiah prayed (8mks)

  1. Before asking King Ataxias to let him go back to Judah.
  2. When he learnt that the Jews were suffering and walls of Jerusalem was in ruins.
  3. When his enemies made fun of the Jews and discussed them from building the walls of Jerusalem.
  4. When the enemies conspired to attack Jerusalem to stop construction work.
  5. After he condemned the leader for oppressing the poor.
  6. When his enemies planned to harm him/false accusations.
  7. When he was frightened by Shemaih to hide in the temple claiming that there was a plot to kill him.
  8. When he cleansed and re-organized the Temple for the worship.
  9. After warning the people of Judah against violating the Sabbath law.
  10. When he had chased away the son in-law of sanballat.
  11. After cleansing the Israelites of the foreign influence.


b) Give six reasons why Nehemiah carried out religious reforms in Judah (6mks)

  1. To preserve the idolatry of the Jews as people of God.
  2. To separate the Jews from foreign influence.
  3. To purify the temple which had been defiled by keeping a foreign
  4. To restore the tithing system that had been forgotten for the upkeep of the temple.
  5. To ensure that the Sabbath day was free from business activities.
  6. In order to cleanse the Jews who had intermarried with the foreigners/exposed to idolatry.


c) What is the important of prayers in the life of a Christian today (6mks)

  1. It enables one to gain power over temptation/strengthens faith.
  2. It expresses one’s obedience/humility before God.
  3. One is able to give thanks to God for the many blessings.
  4. So as to ask for forgiveness for the wrongs done.
  5. So as to ask for God’s protection/care in all that one does.
  6. One is able to intercede for others.
  7. In order to show/acknowledge God as the provider of everything.
  8. So as to praise/glorify/exalt God.
  9. To seek for guidance/direction from God.
  10. One is able to communicate with God.
  11. Express humility before God 


6a) Identify eight places used for worship in traditional African Communities (8mks)

  1. Under sacred trees
  2. In caves.
  3. At river banks/waterfalls
  4. On rocks
  5. On mountain/hills
  6. in forests/shrubs
  7. In shrines.
  8. In homes of religious leaders.
  9. At graveyards.


b)  Give reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African Communities (6mks)

  1. To worship God/ancestors
  2. It is a way of seeking for protection
  3. A way of acknowledging God as a source of life.
  4. To seek God’s help in times of trouble/petition God for help.
  5. To ask for forgiveness/a way of cleansing /appease.
  6. In recognition of God’s Power.
  7. To thank God for victories/success.
  8. To ask for blessings from God


c)  How do Christians in Kenya show respect for places of worship (6mks)

  1. They maintain cleanness in the places of worship.
  2. In some cases they remove shoes.
  3. They decorate/put flowers in places of worship.
  4. They dress decently when going to worship.
  5. Order is maintained in places of worship.
  6. Constructing beautiful/large places of worship
  7. Dedicating all instruments/property in places of worship
  8. Showing respect/obedience to church leaders.
  9. Observe and maintain silence in places of worship
  10. Securing places of worship.


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