- Outline six similarities in the Biblical stories of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 (6mks)
- With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3 state four effects of sin on Adam and eve (8mks)
- Identify six causes of evil in Kenya today .(6mks)
- State the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover Exodus 12 1-32 (7mks)
- What lessons would Christians learn from the incident when the Israelites worshiped the golden calf while at mount Sinai (7mks)
- List six forms of worship that were practiced by the Israelites in the wilderness which are found in christen worship today (6mks)
- State the characteristics of the Canaanite religion (7mks)
- Explain the circumstances that lead to the rapid spread of idolatry in Israel at time of Prophet Elijah. (8mks)
- What is the relevance of prophet Elijah’s prophetic mission to Christians today (5mks)
- Describe the call of Amos to become a prophet of God (6mks)
- Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on social justice and responsibility (8mks)
- How is the church promoting social justice in Kenya today (6mks)
- Explain the different occasions when Nehemiah prayed. (8mks)
- Give six reasons why Nehemiah carried out religious reforms in Judah (6mks)
- What is the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian today (6mks)
- Identify eight places used for worship in traditional Africa Communities (8mks)
- Give reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African Communities (6mks)
- How do Christians in Kenya show respect for places of worship (6mks)