1. Imaginative composition (compulsory) (20 marks)
a) Write a composition ending with the words:………….it was then that I realized I had ruined my life by associating with the wrong friends.
b) Write a composition explaining how modern technology has negatively affected the youth in Kenya.
2. DRAMA: (compulsory)
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. (20 marks)
“Things are not always as they seem” Write an essay basing your illustrations from A Doll’s house to confirm this assertion.
3. The Optional Set Texts
- Short Stories: Memories we Lost and Other Stories: Chris Wanjala.(20mks)
Write a composition on the challenges experienced by the sick girl and her family members citing illustrations from the short story Memories we lost by Lidudumalingani Mqombothi.
- Drama: Inheritance: David Mulwa
“Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding its victims based on their actions”. Drawing illustrations from the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, Write an essay to justify this statement.
- The Novel: The Pearl: John Steinbeck.
‘Most people in the society have lost their moral values’: using The Pearl by John Steinbeck for your illustrations show the truth of the above statement.