Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

  1. Mention two important equipment that could be used in preparing fruit juice. (2 marks)


  • Mention two ways of taking care of hair                                                       (2 marks)


  • Give two reasons for blending fibres                                                           (2 marks)


  • Give two examples of builders added to detergents during manufacturing. (2 marks)


  • Differentiate stewing and boiling methods of cooking                            ( 2 marks )


  • Give the meaning of the term ingredient in meal preparation.                    (2 marks)


  • Mention two items that could be used to prevent cross- infection from one reason to another.                                                                                                 (2 marks)


  • Mention two types of raising agents.                                                       (2 marks)


  • Give a list of four trimmings that could also serve as fasteners.                     (2 marks)


  1. Explain why Home Science is referred to as an integrated Subject.            (2 marks)


  1. Differentiate an appetizer and a dessert.                                                     (2 marks)


  1. Give two correct usage of bandage during first aid.                                     (2 marks)


  1. Mention two rooms that are closely related to the kitchen.                             (2 marks)


  1. Give two characteristics of a mango fruit that is spoilt.                                (2 marks)


  1. Mention two vaccinations that are given to a baby at fourteen weeks.               (2 marks)


  1. Apart from use in the kitchen mention two other functions of salt.                     (2 marks)


  17. Mention two disadvantages of relying on solar energy in the home.                   (2 marks) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

       18. Give two reasons why interfacing is done on collars, cuffs and bands.         (2 marks)


     19. Give two reasons why a shopping list is useful to the consumer.                          (2 marks)


     20. Give two qualities of a well made short crust pastry                                  (2 marks)



Use the spaces left after this question to give your answers

 21. Your have been left alone in the house just after your sister’s graduation party.

a) Explain the procedure of cleaning the glass jug that was to serve juice.           (7 marks)

b) Give the procedure of laundering a fast colored cotton blouse with wax stain.          (13 marks)



Answer any TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided, each question carry equal marks.

22 a) Explain four effects that is likely to occur when a baby does not breast feed well (8 marks)

    b) With an aid of one diagram explain how to make running stitches.                 (6 marks) 

    C) Give six factors that would affect the efficiency of a detergent                             (6 marks)

23 a) Give four advantages of buying a house for a family shelter                           (4 marks)

 b) Describe the preparation of an interfaced collar and leave it ready for attachment.        

                                                                                                                     (8 marks)                                                                                                                 

c.) Give four reasons that make silk not suitable for a hospital bed sheet.          (8 marks)

24 a)  Describe any Four colour harmonies           (8 marks)  

    b) Give four reasons why a consumer should be protected                                       (4 marks)

     c) Give the meaning of the following terms  

i) Isolation

ii) Quarantine

iii) Disinfection

iv) Sterilization                                                                                                       (8 marks) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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